Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Puppy Tail....We got our puppy from you back in the summer of 2005. He was born from a mother dog that came to you, pregnant, and soon gave birth to 9 puppies. Cooter is a German Sheperd mix (terrier?). Exactly what we were looking for. Cooter is now 4 yrs. old and happy living at our 50 acre farm with 2 horses, chickens, 6 kids and my hubby and I. As you can see in the picture, we have a crick (the Eau Galle) right across our driveway and the boys love to bring him for a romp in the water. He is best friends with our little guy, 4 year old Haydon. Cooter also has a special playmate, Lucky, our 8 year old blue healer/border collie. Cooter is very well looked after, very happy and very loved by all the family.

In his spare time, he likes best to hang with one of our old horses, Lori. She recently had some infection in her leg and he never left her side during all of her shots, cold hosing, special feedings and TLC. He even got locked in her stall with her (accidentally) for a couple of hours and when we went to care for the horse again, he just came trotting out like, "She's ok. I've been watching out for her." You can truly see the love between them.

Thank you so much for giving us Cooter (from the Dukes of Hazard...). He has been a wonderful addition to our busy, but loving family. Truly a blessing to us all. He is such a good dog. Very loving, independent, strong, smart and full of energy to spend with our kids. Thanks you, Cassie Langer

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dear Hsbc,
It has been a little over 1 year since we adopted Baby Girl, and a little over 2 years since we adopted Joe (Gordy). I can't thank you all enough for making our family complete. Baby Girl has really come out of her shell over the winter/spring and is now a very confident, loving dog. Her and Joe get along so great! We just love them both to death. They both really enjoy playing fetch, wrestling with each other, chewing bones, hanging out with us, cuddling, and going fishing with us. Joe enjoys the water, but Baby Girl does not. Maybe she will more as we take her around it more often. Anyway, I just wanted to write and say thank you once again! Here are some recent pictures of our sweet puppies.
Love, Ben, Becca, Joe and Baby Girl :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hi Everyone!

Sorry it has taken me so long to snap a picture, but we've been very busy with back to school/start of college preparations. Charlie is doing great and has fit into our family like he was meant to be here. Sarah and Charlie have become best buddies and play together all the time. Charlie has a real love of stuffed animals, and he's quite adept at removing the eyes, so I've started to just cut the eyes off of them before handing them over. He's only had a couple of accidents in the house, and I think they were marking territory kind of incidents. We have had him off the leash a bit (but the dogs are never outside alone) and he has been very good about staying in the yard (we have over two acres). He's taken his place on the blue denim couch alongside Sarah, and once in a while they will let the humans sit there too. We visited our vet and had him tested for heart worms and he was clean, but we are giving him medication along with Sarah because of the risk he incurred while on the run. The vet absolutely loved him. I can't tell you what a healing effect Charlie has had on our lives, after the tragic and unexpected loss of Wookie.

I was able to snap this picture with my cell phone on the deck this afternoon, by using treats as a means of getting them to pose for the camera. Charlie in particular, is keenly watching the hand that was holding the treats! We think the pair look quite handsome together, and are looking forward to seeing Charlie with his hair all grown out. Charlie is so funny...we have Garter snakes on the property, and he loves trying to catch them. It's quite amazing to see because he has come close to catching one. Another time he was in the back yard sniffing away and encountered one, and he jumped straight up in the air, just hilarious! Both of the dogs of course love sniffing all over the yard, particularly in the morning to see what creatures (more than likely raccoons) have visited the yard the night before. Sometimes they will be busy sniffing in a spot, when I can see there is a bunny hopping off into the woods about 20 feet away or so, but they just don't even see the bunny. Silly puppies and good friends. Charlie is everything we hoped for and more. We love him dearly and will continue to take good care of him. When we get closer to Christmas and his hair has grown out again, I will snap a holiday photo to send to you. Another silly habit Charlie has, is when I am using the mouse when on the computer, he will come up and put his nose under my mouse hand, and fling it up in the air to try to get me to pet him. He is quite persistent and does not give up until I give him enough attention to satisfy him.

Another funny and cute thing he did, the first time I left the house (after a couple of days of him being here), the kids said that he just started howling. I suppose he was afraid I wouldn't come back. He doesn't do it anymore, so he must feel secure enough now to know that we're a family and this is his home. We still have not heard him bark though! Maybe he thinks Sarah is loud enough that he doesn't need to add to the noise. Sarah has a thyroid condition and takes her pill with peanut butter every day; Charlie also gets a treat of peanut butter at the same time, and he loves it.

Mary Hernandez

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Camilla came in and warmed up right away... wasn't scared or nervous at all.... She is a PAIN IN THE BUTT!!! she meows all the time... she has made herself right at home! We love her very very much... she and my Kitty (the orange one) get along very very well.... She is VERY playful and will bring her toys up the stair and to my side of the bed and want to play! She is adorable and doing wonderful!

Amanda and Justin Arbuckle