Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Colt aka Shiloh is doing GREAT. My kids went with Colt because of the colt 45 gun and he is as fast as a bullet. He sits, lays, army crawls. On the hot days he likes to take dips in the pool with the boys. He is a very fast learner. You can tell he came from a big littler or the big dogs took his toys, he eats his food like someone is going to take it from him and he tends to hide EVERYTHING that he finds, his or not. Shoes, bones, toys, just anything. So we have brought him lots of toys but some days we can't find any of them. He gets along really well with the cat, friends have brought their dogs over and he has been really great. So thank everyone for us for taking such great care of him. We are very lucky God blessed us with a new family member.
Yours friends
Don, Angie, Hunter, Hogan, Harrison, Something & Colt

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Johnny aka Chewbacca the Wookie

Johnny is rapidly becoming my pride and joy. We renamed him Chewbacca the Wookie since my husband, John, thought he looked like the Wookie from Star Warrs when I got him home. He goes by Chewie and picked up his new name within 24 hours.

He is the most Amazing, and I cannot stress amazing enough, little guy. He continues to make me laugh with antics and I never dreamed how huge his personality could be. He absolutely loves his brother and sister and the pool in the backyard gets a daily use from him. When I have let them outside during the recent intense heat, he loves to lay down in it and put his head on the side. He even appeared to be asleep the other day.

Chewie loves to wrestle with Tazzi our Swedish Vallehund (she is his size) and he is lso fascinated by the cats. He doesn't chase them, but has to sniff and rub up against them and even climb up next to them on the back of the couch and go to sleep.

He hasn't even had an accident in the house!!! He sleeps next to me on the bed, walks on his leash like a champ and loves car rides. He is PERFECT! I would never ever guess he is about nine years old. He goes in for his Lyme's booster with Dr Tom in Webster. Of all th rescue dogs I have had over my lifetime (I'm 45), he is without a doubt the most grateful and loving. When I get home from wherever, he does the cutest little teddy bear dance on his back legs and goes around in circles.

I will gladly bring him by for a visit sometime when we are up at our cabin. Please thank everyone there for me and Chewie too. You are to be commended for everything you do.

Lots of love and gratefulness,

Suzie and Chewie,

P.S. He love his new haircut!