Hi to all the folks at the Burnett County Humane Society,
I adopted Birkie (formerly Rennie) last April and have exciting news to share! My dad was incredibly curious about what kind of dog she is - she's so smart and determined and very silly - and he ordered a DNA test for her. The test recently came back - Birkie is a boxer/bulldog/Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Birkie is a great girl and loves to play, chase squirrels, and walk around the lake. She's the first dog I've had that has never destroyed or chewed anything that wasn't hers to chew, and she picks up new words after only a few repetitions. She can even retrieve her toys by name! Winter was a little tough; she doesn't exactly have a thick coat, and was very upset about the idea of wearing a coat. But with spring on the way, she's loving the mud and is back to playing fetch. She really is a fabulous dog. Thank you so much. Best, Caitlin Williams
I've attached a picture of Birkie with my dad's golden retriever, Bailey, playing in the snow.