Hi Jenny, Brenda, Lucas and the nice women who took our photo! I named Big Red, Jovi, and for fun call him Bon Jovi. I cannot believe how fortunate I am he is mine. He is probably thinking the same thing because he knows I am his person and follows me everywhere. He was shaking in the car on the way back to Minneapolis but stopped after entering the home. I slept next to him and shared the pillow with him and that was our bonding moment because when I was loading the kennel in the car and my cousin was holding onto him, he was anxious I was leaving him. At the airport, I had him on a leash and gentle leader, which I bought immediately upon leaving the shelter, as I had no control over him, along with the crate. All the TSA people were leaving there posts to say hi to him and comment how beautiful he was. I think countless people may have missed their flights for the disruption, haha. I explained to everyone how I saw his picture online and adopted him from your shelter. It is a good story (and everyone loves a good story). He was amazing at the airport; not shaking, laid by me. He even got up on the scale though he didn't need to and was weighed; I have a photo of that. FYI Alaska airlines are awesome for flying pets. There is a pet area at the airport where we rode the elevator down. Thankfully the flight was smooth and he was in the baggage area when I arrived. My good friend Todd, who also was heartbroken of the loss of Zico, picked us up. Jovi went and visited him last night which is where these photos were taken. Todd has since sent these to all his friends.My housemates have been all over Jovi too. My mom and niece came over to meet him yesterday. He does not leave my side, which mean countless trips up and down stairs and also slept on my bed with me and cuddled. My cat Teva came up and had a few sniffs. She stayed on the other side of me while Jovi kept reaching his head over to her. Sometimes to quick and she would bail, though she could not leave the room. She is totally checking him out. She used to "nurse” on Zico's neck and sleep with him and she can't quite believe there is another big red dog in the bed now. But he moves to quick for her to be comfortable yet, but I can see there won't be any problems there. Anyways, all is well, Jovi is at my feet right now, and I want to thank you all for rescuing him and caring for him and giving him and me a new life. He is very well loved here on the West Coast.
Peace Connie