Tuesday, May 16, 2017

I'm sorry I missed your previous e-mail.  We get so much junk mail and I didn't catch yours as coming from the Humane Society.  Anyway, Adele is a sweetheart.  She is bringing a lot of love to our home.

In the house she is wonderful.  She hasn't gotten into anything and follows commands well.  The first night when we walked into the bedroom with her, she automatically went to the bed we had for her at the foot of our bed.  She hasn't been up on our bed or on our couch.  (Our neighbor invites her up on his bed to watch TV with him and she gladly accommodates him!)  Adele asks permission to come up on my lap when I'm in the recliner.  Generally, if I'm in the recliner, she thinks she should be too, unless there's a nice spot of sunshine on the floor.  She seems to think she should be massaged about ten hours a day.  We're doing our best to accommodate her need!

We got an invisible fence for Adele, but that hasn't been as successful as we had hoped.  After a couple of shocks, she now gets petrified if we put the collar on her, so we're backing off from that.  She does well with voice commands, so we go out with her.  We need more work with leash training, but we've purchased a harness that goes around her chest.  We've also got a gentle leader, but she's not interested in that.

The first time we took her out with a regular collar and leash, after a tug of war she seemed to be settling down and doing quite well.  My husband commented it was going well at which point Adele decided she'd had enough and she flattened out on the road, back legs straight out behind her.  When I tried to encourage her to get up, she rolled over for a tummy rub!  Our yard is about a third of an acre, so she's got some room to run, but we need to work more on walks.

Adele LOVES to go to the postoffice to get the mail with my husband.  She sits so stately in the pickup for the half mile ride!  We've also had her on some longer car rides and she does very well.

We've been trying to teach her to fetch a ball.  She'll gladly run to get the ball, but hasn't gotten the idea that she's supposed to give it back.  She's gentle, though, when we take it from her.  It's hard to find toys that interest her. A Nylabone only held her interest for a very short time.  She did demolish a small football within a few minutes.  I found some tough rubber balls that have held up okay.  She finds them somewhat interesting.  She's only mildly interested in rag bone tug of war.  A toy with treats is only a little interesting.

Adele has been introduced to a couple of neighborhood dogs.  Our neighbor who has invited her onto his bed has a chihuahua mix.  Adele mostly ignores the little guy.  He's really meek around her.  She spent one day at their house when Pete and I were both gone and all went well.  Adele is not fond of the female dog on the other side of their fence.  We plan to introduce her to my brother's dogs in the near future.  Hopefully we don't need to use too many closed doors and kennels!

A couple of days after Adele came to live with us, we took her to the vet for a preliminary checkup.  She tested positive for Lyme's disease, so she was on powerful antibiotics for a month and has now had her Lyme's vaccination.

In summary, we love Adele.  She is a much better dog than we would ever have expected to get from a shelter.  She obviously had some good training somewhere along the way.   She's a great addition to our family!

Hi Pam, Dandy is now Max, and is doing well. We are working on barking and nipping and general "manners" and are seeing good progress. We've had 2 trainer visits to help us, and are pleased. Puppy classes start next week. The Chesapeake is showing, and he is very good looking puppy. He goes almost everywhere with us, draws a crowd, and likes meeting new people and dogs. People can't believe such a stunning pooch is a rescue. We are very lucky that this affectionate, smart, cuddly puppy is part of our family.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

I spoke to Buddy’s new owner, JoAnn, and she said that they were doing great and he’s a definite keeper. The only thing JoAnn had trouble with was taking Buddy for car rides at the beginning. He just shook and seemed so scared. So, JoAnn would take Buddy on short trips in the car and before long he became relaxed and now loves going on car rides. JoAnn takes him everywhere with her. They even took a trip to the cities recently and he did great. Buddy waits patiently in the car when JoAnn has to run errands and then greets her with lots of wags when she returns.

When Buddy wants to go outside, he runs to the door and wags his little tail. JoAnn did say that Buddy hogs the bed. He recently met JoAnn’s grandchildren and did very well letting them pet him and play with him. Her Grandson cried when he had to leave because he wanted to take Buddy home with him. Buddy is an only child and, thus, gets a lot of attention. JoAnn couldn’t be happier with her decision to adopt Buddy! Another happy ending!

Pam Cunningham
HSBC Volunteer