Well, first of all, I would like to thank you all for the commitment and time you put forth for the animals that come through your shelter. The telephone calls with the shelter; for additional info. on Chopper, the call about our application being approved, and the follow-up call a week after the adoption were all very friendly. It was also very meaningful to us that when we requested some additional pictures of Chopper be sent to us by email before our visit, that the time was taken to do that! Also, the suggestion to bring our Golden Retriever with so the 2 dogs could meet was also a wonderful idea - as well as you giving our children a chance to meet and play ball with Chopper beforehand - all was appreciated! He walks very well with the use of a pinch collar and we notice improvement in his manners daily! He LOVES to play catch and tug! We are truly loving the new addition to our family!! Thank you again,(Scott, Sonja, Blaine, Kole, and Alex)