Friday, July 31, 2009


Just wanted to let you have an update. Shurcanpur has really adapted to our home! He loves all the room to run. He runs up and down the stairs (and I thought that I would need to carry him!) He hasn't fallen at all.
He wants to eat ALL the time - you can hardly walk into the kitchen without him racing in ahead of you. He runs everywhere! His 'kitty frenzies' are often and amusing. He has selected a favorite couch and naps after eating and 'frenzying'. He is one sweet baby boy.
We are starting to call him Bogie (Bogart)- Bogiebaby, mostly, but that may change. He seems interested in that name, for now anyway!
Our other family members, black lab and three other cats are a little reluctant (read: really mad) about this change - but change has never been easy for them. For now hissing and growling - no huge altercations - so we think it is going as well as can be expected with them. (Better than I expected!)
We will keep you up to date - he seems to be feeling excellent and is very happy. He's talkative (such a tiny baby voice!) and purrs a great deal. Thanks for your part in saving a very nice guy!

Patty Reinert