Thursday, September 20, 2012


 You're right -- it has been exactly a week ago today that I drove home with Iris. She is such a sweet dog. We love her already. She gets along with everyone, including our cat and little norwich terrier Louie. Our youngest daughter Molly loves taking her for a walk and feeding her.

We are slowly teaching her that being indoors is not a bad thing. She is very apprehensive about coming inside and would prefer to be outside all the time. We have to put her on a lead to bring her inside. She is scared of city living -- noises outside our fenced in back yard, cars and even walking on the sidewalk. All these things are new to her but she's coming along and slowly making strides.

She does not know how to go up and down a large number of stairs. We're working on that, too. We all sleep upstairs and she's been sleeping on the main floor with Louie. She has the couch and Louie sleeps underneath it. It all works out but I plan on teaching her the stairs in a couple of weeks. I'll let her get used to the household first before we really tackle the steps.

Lucas was right, she is a great dog. We're thrilled that we found her. Thank you for everything you did for her while she was with you all. Kathleen