He is
doing well. The stitches from his neutering bother him, but we try to
distract with toys. Lots of walks, but he still wants to pull really
badly. I am on the list for obedience class, so hope that will help.
We renamed him Tucker, which he responds to. Have attached pics of
Tucker....eating his ice cube, playing with toys, sleeping after a
walk....he is like my woodtick, follows me everywhere :) He can swim
too, I keep him on his leash, but he tries to get the dragonflies, even
if it means swimming out to try to get them. He also scampers back and
forth, biting at the waves as they hit the shore when boats go by. I
think he is happy.
update you on how is obedience training goes - really just want him to
stop pulling the lead. Oh, and he loves giving kisses! Spends some
time with me and his pug sister up on the couch while I drink my morning
coffee. He usually leans against me and takes a nap.