Monday, June 2, 2014

Leonard now Bodie!

Thank you so much for the follow up. Leonard has been renamed to Bodie and is doing absolutely wonderful. He loves to snuggle and play. This week he has hit the stage where he is bounding everywhere and very playful. He is so adorable. He is a kneading and purring machine, I love it. We play hide and seek and chase which he loves. Also he loves to pounce and jump at the wand toys and balls that I have for him. He is amazing with the litter box, scratching posts and my house. He doesn’t get into any trouble and is starting to learn the word no. We are working on the word no when I eat. He is getting better when I eat however just can’t resist the smell of eggs.

His kitty claws were pretty sharp so I clipped them a few days after getting him home. I had a kitty in the past so knew the proper way to clip them (avoiding the quick) and he did wonderful. We are going to be visiting the vet for his first visit this week.

His favorite spot to nap is right on my chest or under my chin, he loves to get kisses on the face and even nuzzles up for them himself, especially in the mornings in bed. He is still figuring out his favorite places to nap in my apartment. He loves to climb the cat tree that I have and loves to sleep in and on it. I also find him from time to time sleeping on a blanket on my couch and under my bed. I am hoping that he likes the cat bed that I got for him recently but he still hasn’t slept in it, so we will see.  

We even took a road trip (30 min) to my parents’ house this weekend. They have a house about 3 time the size of my apartment so he was loving the space and the sunny window sills. He adjusted very quickly to his new surroundings and loves my parents. He learned very quickly where his food, water and litter box was located when we stay at my parents’ house. My dad must be a kitty whisper because Bodie just loved him. My mom was pretty jealous. We have always been a family that loves cats so they were very excited to meet Bodie and spend time with him.

I love Bodie so much and he is such a wonderful companion for me. He brightens every minute that I spend with him and is just the perfect kitty for me. I want to thank you all from the Humane Society of Burnett County so much for letting me become the proud adopter (parent) to Bodie! 

I will be sure to post pictures now and in the future of Bodie on your Facebook site for the Humane Society also.  Please feel free to share my pictures and email with everyone at the Humane Society of Burnett County. 

Thank you again so much,