Boo boo and charlie (bart) are doing great. We couldn't be any happier with our decision to adopt them together. They are always with each other, they lay together, play together and even take turns cleaning each other (so cute). Charlie (bart) has mellowed out quite a bit since bringing him into our home, he's a huge cuddle bug and is always looking for some lovin. Boo boo is getting big, and boy can she get crazy. Boo boo plays all the time (there is a arsenal of cat toys under our couch that we have to get back out once a week). We have found boo boo does not like to be left alone, we left overnight about a month ago and she left some"treasures" on the couch. This has only happen the one time so we are not worried. These cats have brought us so much joy! Little boo boo has really taken to my 2 year old son.