Hi Pam - Sylvia is fitting in just fine. Each day
she is feeling more and more comfortable being with us - and our 4 year old cat
Goldie. Goldie is also getting used to being the "older" cat and has
become a little more playful.
I put a picture and story on my FB page - I will
try to forward or share it with you - feel free to use it. I have never tried
to send a FB page before (I'm low tech) so if you don't get it - let me know
and we can see about finding another method.
(She acts
a LOT happier than what she looks in this picture). See my earlier email for an
update from my Jan 5th FB posting:
Santa arrived early at our house. We got Sylvia the day
before Christmas and I have been chasing her around to get a picture ever
since. The staff at the Humane Society described her as "quirky",
definitely a plus for fitting in around here.
She is definitely a 2 year old - curious and checking out
everything. She likes to play hide & seek, and tag, with Goldie - and when
they do, watch out - they run all over the place! She's not quite a lap cat -
too much energy yet, but I'm working on her.