Hi. You probably don't remember me. I was the cutest female out of a litter of nine back in 2002. My mom was pregnant and homeless...someone found her and brought her to your shelter. It was either there or in a foster home where I was born. I only remember the pen we all were kept in at the farm. It was crazy, but we were all together, mom and us pups. We were fed, and had shelter. Then one day these nice people from White Bear Lake, Minnesota came up and played with us. It was around June 15th, '02. Anyways, they paid special attention to me of course and before I knew it I was in a car, sitting on a blanket on a nice young ladies lap. They were adopting me! Apparently their dog went to dog heaven and they needed another pup to fill in the void. Me! I missed my siblings and cried for about 3 or 4 nights, but they seemed pretty nice all in all. (Actually they were the best!)
Pretty soon they had me potty training and running around in a huge wooded yard. I gave 'em a run for their money back in those days...man I used to be fast!
Anyhoo, I'm livin' the life of Riley here...thought you'd like to know. I often wonder how my siblings are doing, where they are...There was a family reunion that we couldn't go to, back a few years ago. I wish I could've made it. Maybe there'll be another one someday. I hope to go to the next one if someone organizes it. I don't even know how to get in touch with any of them. If you published this maybe someone will see it and get something cooking...
Yeah life is good here. I love going to the cabin, laying in the sand, and wading in the lake. (It's a little embarrassing but, I don't swim very well...so I chase ducks that are close to the shoreline and I terrorize the minnows.) I love chasing squirrels and chipmunks...that never gets old, you know what I mean? Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, dog treats are the best! I'm a huge mooch, and my owners are such suckers for a cute face. Oh by the way, if they gave dogs degrees, I'd have a PHD. I do many different tricks and the woman who adopted me makes me actually say "Ma-ma", she's weird but she's fun. She laughs histerically every time I do it! (She's a product of the 60's...)
Yeah, life is awesome. So, I guess I just wanted to tell you thanks for taking me in when I was a little squirt. I'm about 65 lbs...a lot bigger than when you last saw me! (I need to go on a diet...this winter was a killer.)
Take care and I hope you enjoy the photos. You guys do wonderful things...I just thought you outta know. I've wanted to tell you that for a long time. I finally got around to it.
Yours truly,
Tally and (Peg Selander...owner, typing this letter for me...opposable thumbs...no paws.)