Attached please find a photo of Carina. I'm so glad she chose me to be her human!
Carina was quietly observant underway to her new home and appeared immediately comfortable upon entering it. She greeted my partner with paws outstretched and curled up in his arms while I set up her litter box and then jumped down and claimed "her" spot on the kitchen floor, which she regularly occupies while I am working in the kitchen. She talked a lot on the first evening and the next day, commenting on each new experience and she spent much time grooming me in bed the first and second night.
She's settling into her eating patterns and likes to eat when we do. Whenever she hears us talking together, she runs to join us and is often in one or the other. Though she favors mine, she doesn't neglect her other human.
Carina's visit to the Vet to get the stiches out of her tummy quite impressed Dr. Tom as she trustingly tolerated the necessary examination procedures without struggle. She also shows no fear of the vacuum cleaner.
Carina has brought a beautiful gentleness with her. Thanks for introducing us - the "fit" is purr-fect.
Janice Metelak
P.S. Wishing all of you a wonderful holiday!