I am fantastic! I learned from my new owner that I am a breed called a "Russian Blue" and have the white powdered sugar sprinkles on my tail, which proves it! I sleep in between my new mum and pop every night, and cry if they go away. Of course, I wait by the door until they get home, and am the first to greet them. They have dry food and fresh water daily, and I have already gained some weight!
I have the run of a big house, but never go outside. I have two screen porches to sit on where I watch chipmonks, birds and squireels. I can't wait 'til mum opens the big door each morning so I can go on the screen porch with my brother and sister. They like me fine, and I play "Catchers" with the big guy, Scooby. Little Girl likes me, too.
My new owners LOVE ME VERY MUCH, and I love them too. I am glad you kept me safe and warm for so long, so I could have a good home now.
Bye for now,