About what. . . .two month's ago, I adopted Nina, the beautiful boarder collie/spaniel mix. Nina has transformed into the most wonderful puppy in the world. She lives with three college girls and is totally pampered and spoiled. Every single day, Nina seems to do something to surprise us. At first, she wouldn't really eat any bones or treats, we couldn't get her to respond with any toys and now she is the funniest little thing. When we take her out she prances and jumps around like a little deer and is always giving kisses, even to strangers.
We have been attending obedience class with her and she is so smart. We are working towards becoming a therapy dog and her trainers are super excited and love to work with her. Little kids love to pet her because she stills rolls over on her back for her belly to be scratched. Attached are a ton of picture We are so happy people always make fun of us for spoiling her, but really, we are the lucky ones because of the endless amount of love we receive from her.