Thank you for asking about Sweety - her new name is Joey. She is doing WONDERFULLY in our home. She is getting along great with Jett. They plan often in the house. She likes to chew so she has a special bone that is all hers that she can chew on and we make sure that she has it in her crate while we are not home. She is for the most part housebroken, so there have been very few accidents. She is still trying to figure out how to let us know that she has to go out...she is starting to whine in the kitchen - near the door, so we are very excited. The boys love her and she loves them, wiggling her rear end and wagging her tail at them. She is curious about the cats, but for the most part, she leaves them alone, and they are happy about that. Thank you for the pictures that you have. I love the one with her tongue sticking out.