My name is Cody, I'm a cat and I live with a great family near Webster. At the end of the summer, my family brought home a kitten. She was named Missy but my family changed her name to Tasha because it looks like she has a milk mustache. I wasn't sure what to think of her at first but it didn't take us long to become good friends. It's fun having a "sister". We have fun chasing each other and playing hide and seek. We like to sleep near the woodstove now that it's cold outside. Tasha is a lot more curious than I am, especially about our big black lab. She's energetic and even though I'm only 2, she brings out my playful side. When our family is gone during the day, it is really nice having someone else around. We even look like "brother and sister" because I'm also black and white. Deacon, our dog, is entertained by her squeaky voice, although he doesn't think she's so cute when he gets a table scrap and she rushes in to nab the morself for herself. Tasha wants to say that she is very thankful for the Burnett County Humane Society for taking her in. She was sad to be adopted without her brother, Zach, but is happy that he has a new home, too. It did make it easy for her to adapt to me, her new "brother". She'd say more but she just closed her eyes and is resting on the chair near the warm woodstove.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!