Hope you aren't insulted but her name is now Annie. We really like Jaida just fine, but somehow she seems to us like an Annie.
She is doing just great. Obviously you people at the shelter worked hard and often with her. We have detected no behaviors that cause us any alarm. Thanks for your work. Annie lives with out two older greyhounds and so far so good. We also introduced her to one of our cats (very briefly and carefully). No apparent problems there either. We do lots of walking because of the health benefits, so Annie puts multi miles on her little legs every day. Overall, she is a spicy little gundle of energy, but does not show signs of agressions or pushiness.
Thank you for preparing her for life with us. We will always take care of her and love her as a member of our family. Perhaps an opportunity will arise when we can bring her for a visit with you at the shelter. Please relay our thanks to Lucas and the others on the staff.
Bob and Mary Ellen
Update: Annie came to visit and it was great to see what a happy, healthy and well loved dog she is!