I thought maybe it was time to tell you about Boo. She has settled into our home very nicely and has made it hers.

She is a silly little girl. She likes to
follow me from room to room. Once we get to the new place she usually
turns right around and goes back to the living room. I guess she just
wants to make sure that I arrive safely.
She is very sweet. She loves to be on a lap, and usually comes when we ask her to come up.
found out one thing about her that is really funny. She loves to nap on
our bed during the day. I didn't realize that she also buries herself
under the blankets. The first time I changed the sheets with her here
she almost lost her mind. There was nothing on the bed! She kept making
these noises. Finally I was ready to remake the bed and I started with
the pillows. She was so desperate to get under covers that she went into
the pillow! I know now that I have to keep something on the bed for her
to hibernate in.
But, no, in case you were wondering she is not spoiled.
Thank you for bringing Boo into our lives. Even Ozzy thanks you (I think).