Prince has settled in really well with a few little bumps in the road. He has now turned into an ultra vocal, ultra snuggly big guy. He loves curling up with the top of his head in my cheek at night while he keeps a paw draped across my neck. He has the oddest sounding purr but I love it. He still loves his heights and has taken up residence on top of the dresser in our bedroom. I bought a large cat tower and put that in front of the window next to the dresser so he lays for hours watching out the window and is more than happy to tell you about everything he sees. Chewie a.k.a. Johnny sleeps on the bed too and you can often find the two of them snuggled up during the night. My husband renamed Prince. His new name is Notorious F.A.T. since he is so large. ... but he goes by Noto. He loves being rubbed up and having his chin scratched.
With each passing day he is turning into a better and better kitty. As soon as I come in the house from work he starts bellering for me to come rub him up and he won't be quiet until you do. He doesn't really wander around the house much...he has is favorite spot on the dresser and that's were he prefers to be. He has trained us to come to him : ) He loves his fleece blankets too.
He has a fantastic vet here in the cities since he doesn't really care for car rides. But WOW did he do great at the vet. Dr. Molly, his Vet, was so impressed with him...and he's even lost a little weight.
I can't thank you enough for everything you did for Noto. He is a great cat and makes me laugh and smile all the time. I never dreamed I would have a cat who can carry on conversations. Noto says to say hi to everyone and thank you. Chewie says hi too!
Suzie, Chewie & Noto