Megan (now named Haddie) is doing wonderful. Haddie is a true water dog! She could fetch the ball in the lake for hours if we let her! Towards the end of the summer she has even worked up the courage to run and jump off the dock after the ball! Lucky for her we live right next to a few lakes so its just a short walk for her. She has really come a long way, though she is still timid in many situations. She has a very humorous personality and is always keeping us laughing. She has also learned sit, shake, hi five (her favorite) and lay down. She still needs to work on walking on the leash but I think we will make more strides this winter where there is no lake calling her name the entire walk! Thanks for everything you guys did for her before she came home with us, she has been the perfect addition to our family and really adds so much to our lives. Here are a couple pictures!
Thanks again!
Tayler and Zach (and Haddie!)
Tayler and Zach (and Haddie!)