Friday, December 14, 2012


Sawyer is doing great.  He and our pit Riley get along so well; not a single tiff between the two of them.  He’s been an awesome boy and we don’t have to kennel him at all.  He sleeps inside at night and stays in the breezeway with a dog door to the fenced in yard during the day.  I’ve been working on his manners and obedience, and while there’s more work to do, he’s come a long way in only 1 week.  Our cat is finally starting to check him out (she wanted nothing to do with him until yesterday).  Sawyer loves to try to steal socks and our son’s stuffed animals.  He tries to be very discrete about it, but he gets busted every time!

Sawyer is definitely a part of our family, and we’re very happy to have him.  He’s such a nice mellow boy.

Thank you!!