Thursday, January 17, 2013


Gracie is doing very well in her new home! She was potty trained on her first day home. We bought bells for the door & taught her how to ring them when she needs to go outside, she learned that right away.
She woke up in the middle of the night the first 3 nights, she is now sleeping completely through the night!
She is going to be attending obedience class, because she does have some issues with authority! We do have a girl with attitude! I have never seen a puppy talk back like she does!
She knows how to sit, stay & come, but the rest will fall into place when we participate in her obedience training.
Other than a bit of attitude, she is a dream girl, who sleeps on our feet anytime during the day when she naps, even if we are standing!
We will keep you all updated & share how her training classes go. She is a brilliant girl who learns very, very fast!

LuAnn & Owen