Saturday, August 1, 2015

Thank you for writing to ask about Abbi.  Yes, she still has her original name but we shortened it to Abbi or Abbi-doo if she's being cute.  She has adapted quite well here.  She has a bell on her collar so you always know where she's at in the house.  Wherever you go, she goes.  She loves to run down the hall and make the rug slide or up and down the stairs.  She loves to play and sit in the windows whenever they are open.  She loves her cat perch by the window and will sleep in her little bowl on the perch whenever she gets tired.  If the dog is sitting near her, you will catch her playing with the dogs tail.  Abbi has been a wonderful addition to our family.  We all love her very much and she clearly loves it here.  There isn't a day that she doesn't make someone laugh or smile.