Sunday, August 9, 2015

I am happy to report that we have observed quite a bit of improvement in Matrix (we changed it to Matrix from Leaf) over the time that we have had him in our home.  He was so very very shy when we first got him.  In fact, I believe that he needed to be sedated the first bath he was given at your facility and now he has been given a bath every other week and has been groomed a couple of times without any sedation.  He still does not like to be picked up, but once he is picked  up, he snuggles in to be quite comfortable.  His favorite member of our family is Morton, our other Shitzu.  He loves to be with Morton and this truly has been the key to his progress.  He is not quite potty trained, but is making progress here. We just need to be diligent and he is fine.  Nora (the 12 year old), is Matrix's next favorite.  She is the one who feeds, baths and grooms him.  We know that Matrix is a bit more work, but we are happy to have him.  He is developing a personality that keeps us laughing.  I don't know if he will ever be comfortable being picked up, but we know that we will give him the time and patience to find out. I will try to send you a picture along with this email.

Thanks for asking.  It is nice to share about his progress.