Monday, January 18, 2016

We adopted Beyonce' who is a 6 month old Lab/mix and she is doing very, very well:)  We did change her name and it is now, Molly. Beyonce' did not work and we tried a few other names, Raven, Thunder and these did not work either. The minute we said "Molly" it was like a light bulb went on and she has claimed it and responds to it instantly. House training was a issue to start but she has sense been learning the routine from our other two 4 legged family members and she now gives us the signal and we respond immediately. We now have her on a very good schedule that she sleeps through the night and has her own space near the back door where she has her bed and toys.

Her favorite toys have to squeek and we use this as a tool for calling on her or having her play fetch. She loves the outdoors and every night her and I have outside time for about an hour where she runs like crazy, dives into the snow and jumps snow banks and is a very excited little girl:)

She has taken her place in the doggy pecking order which is #3. Our littlest girl, Teya, is a Yorkie and is #1 of the household, she deffinitly makes that known and is the boss.  Cricket is a Yourshire Terrier and he is #2 because one female boss is enough and he decided to be the teacher for Molly. Cricket has been very busy with teaching Molly to sit, speak and go to bed. She has graduated on these three lessons in the short time with us.

In a nut shell, Molly is in her forever home and thank you and staff for all that you do for our four legged friends.