I'm America's adoptive parent. She is a wonderful
cat. I added Miss in front of America so she goes by Miss America
now. We both contributed to her name.
She is a friendly cat which is something my other cats were
not. What I like best about her is when I have company or family up she
will greet them, then go to her pet carrier and lie down in it. She
loves to play with hair bands, carries them around and or tosses them in the
air and go pick it back up again. Another of her favorite things to do is
follow the little red Lazar light and catch it. Doesn't ever happen
though. Loves to get upon a cat/house that I had a friend make down
in Iowa. This house sits in the corner of my bedroom and there are
windows on the south and the east so she can look out either direction to watch
whatever is in the backyard. There is a front porch attached to the house
with many windows in and she sits on that a lot to watch boats,
pontoons or whatever watercraft is floating by on the river. Another
thing she likes to play with or in is a paper sack. Loves the noise it
makes when she pounces on it. Of course I have other little
things for her to play with but she will eventually push them under
something and I have to get it out.
I definitely am glad that I adopted her and I think she will make
a great addition to our family. Thank you.
I think she will be great company for me. I am a widow and I
had to put my last cat down and the days were pretty long and lonely.
Miss America is helping fill that void in my life.