Wednesday, March 21, 2012

King Barney Update!

hi everyone!   Sorry I havent written sooner but I have been very busy learning new rules. I now go potty outside (but I really miss mom doing the potty dance).  There are so many things to learn but I am of course very smart  but maybe just a little bit stubborn.  Do Not eat the couch was a hard one, but mom mustnt have liked it very much anyway because she got another one soon after.  I am still working on Do Not eat the cat. Do Not stand on the kitchen table so you are taller than your sister Ursula (the Dane) and Do Not pull down the curtains so you can see outside are works in progress.  I am still King  but also  super dog  and the 2 yr old calls me booboo  because i do a lot of them, accidently of course.  I am the best hugger and kisser in the world and mom says I make her laugh everyday.  I have my own couch, most of the bed, and everyone says my coat is the shiniest and that I am so sweet and lovable you cant help but hug me,  even after a Do Not.  I spent one night with Jeanette at Animal Lodge and had a good time, but other than that my little family is inseparable.  Thank you all so much for making mom so happy and even though there are a few Do Nots there are a lot more dos   so my friends  I will write again soon.
your friend,
King" super dog, "Barney