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Mason is doing fine, We have changed his name to Joey after the
friend who donated funds to us after our Lucie passed in Feb so we named
him after her (joanne is her name). Our other cat, Baker is smaller in
size and is frightened easily and usually doesn't come out with
strangers. We have a large window screen in front of the guest room
door so the cats can see each other, and it is off the livingroom so he
is not isolated. In the beginning Baker would not even come upstairs
and gradually is at least walking by the room. She darn near drags her
tummy she is crouching so low as she walks so it appears to be more scard than aggression, but the noises out of her are crazy Rosemary's-baby like.
is calm now and seems to like to be king in his own room but we want to
know when we should put them together. Don't exactly recall how to do
it either, just open the 'screen' and give Baker the surprise of her
life or just what is the best way. Because things have taken awhile we
were thinking of doing it the end of this week.
Do you have any ideas on the best way.......I think it will all be okay but don't want to take any chances of messing Baker up.
So all is well. thanks for inquiry and any suggestions. Peggy