Nothing makes us happier at HSBC than to hear about how animals adopted from our shelter are doing in their new forever families!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mason is doing great! He's gained 10 lbs. since coming home with us in July (weighing 85 lbs. now) and his hair has come in beautifully. He enjoys playing with the boys and their neighborhood friends. He loves stealing their footballs and galloping around as they chase him. It really is very cute.He also enjoys attending baseball and football games as the kids often call him their mascot. We often get questioned about him as he is quite unique looking, having grown into a very handsome boy.I've included some recent photos. We're so glad Mason is a part of our family. Thank you for taking such good care of him during his stay with you.
Sorry it has taken so long to give you an update on Bonnie Blue (name changed from Toni) whom we adopted on September 8. She is an incredibly sweet dog and her addition to our home has been amazing. Here she is with her new best friend, Dixie (previously Dezzy), whom we adopted from you last December 10. What beautiful animals--we are so fortunate to have been able to give them a home. They get long walks twice a day--and only rarely have to be left alone. They are always together. Bonnie has really grown alot since we brought her home last month. She is a vigorous eater, though what lab isn't. Bonnie is really a snuggler-don't tell her she's getting too big to sleep on your lap. She wants nothing more than being close to us-even if it means sharing limited space on the recliner. Thanks much for allowing us to make Bonnie and Dixie members of our family.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Puppy Tail....We got our puppy from you back in the summer of 2005. He was born from a mother dog that came to you, pregnant, and soon gave birth to 9 puppies. Cooter is a German Sheperd mix (terrier?). Exactly what we were looking for. Cooter is now 4 yrs. old and happy living at our 50 acre farm with 2 horses, chickens, 6 kids and my hubby and I. As you can see in the picture, we have a crick (the Eau Galle) right across our driveway and the boys love to bring him for a romp in the water. He is best friends with our little guy, 4 year old Haydon. Cooter also has a special playmate, Lucky, our 8 year old blue healer/border collie. Cooter is very well looked after, very happy and very loved by all the family.
In his spare time, he likes best to hang with one of our old horses, Lori. She recently had some infection in her leg and he never left her side during all of her shots, cold hosing, special feedings and TLC. He even got locked in her stall with her (accidentally) for a couple of hours and when we went to care for the horse again, he just came trotting out like, "She's ok. I've been watching out for her." You can truly see the love between them.
Thank you so much for giving us Cooter (from the Dukes of Hazard...). He has been a wonderful addition to our busy, but loving family. Truly a blessing to us all. He is such a good dog. Very loving, independent, strong, smart and full of energy to spend with our kids. Thanks you, Cassie Langer
In his spare time, he likes best to hang with one of our old horses, Lori. She recently had some infection in her leg and he never left her side during all of her shots, cold hosing, special feedings and TLC. He even got locked in her stall with her (accidentally) for a couple of hours and when we went to care for the horse again, he just came trotting out like, "She's ok. I've been watching out for her." You can truly see the love between them.
Thank you so much for giving us Cooter (from the Dukes of Hazard...). He has been a wonderful addition to our busy, but loving family. Truly a blessing to us all. He is such a good dog. Very loving, independent, strong, smart and full of energy to spend with our kids. Thanks you, Cassie Langer
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Dear Hsbc,
It has been a little over 1 year since we adopted Baby Girl, and a little over 2 years since we adopted Joe (Gordy). I can't thank you all enough for making our family complete. Baby Girl has really come out of her shell over the winter/spring and is now a very confident, loving dog. Her and Joe get along so great! We just love them both to death. They both really enjoy playing fetch, wrestling with each other, chewing bones, hanging out with us, cuddling, and going fishing with us. Joe enjoys the water, but Baby Girl does not. Maybe she will more as we take her around it more often. Anyway, I just wanted to write and say thank you once again! Here are some recent pictures of our sweet puppies.
Love, Ben, Becca, Joe and Baby Girl :)
It has been a little over 1 year since we adopted Baby Girl, and a little over 2 years since we adopted Joe (Gordy). I can't thank you all enough for making our family complete. Baby Girl has really come out of her shell over the winter/spring and is now a very confident, loving dog. Her and Joe get along so great! We just love them both to death. They both really enjoy playing fetch, wrestling with each other, chewing bones, hanging out with us, cuddling, and going fishing with us. Joe enjoys the water, but Baby Girl does not. Maybe she will more as we take her around it more often. Anyway, I just wanted to write and say thank you once again! Here are some recent pictures of our sweet puppies.
Love, Ben, Becca, Joe and Baby Girl :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hi Everyone!
Sorry it has taken me so long to snap a picture, but we've been very busy with back to school/start of college preparations. Charlie is doing great and has fit into our family like he was meant to be here. Sarah and Charlie have become best buddies and play together all the time. Charlie has a real love of stuffed animals, and he's quite adept at removing the eyes, so I've started to just cut the eyes off of them before handing them over. He's only had a couple of accidents in the house, and I think they were marking territory kind of incidents. We have had him off the leash a bit (but the dogs are never outside alone) and he has been very good about staying in the yard (we have over two acres). He's taken his place on the blue denim couch alongside Sarah, and once in a while they will let the humans sit there too. We visited our vet and had him tested for heart worms and he was clean, but we are giving him medication along with Sarah because of the risk he incurred while on the run. The vet absolutely loved him. I can't tell you what a healing effect Charlie has had on our lives, after the tragic and unexpected loss of Wookie.
I was able to snap this picture with my cell phone on the deck this afternoon, by using treats as a means of getting them to pose for the camera. Charlie in particular, is keenly watching the hand that was holding the treats! We think the pair look quite handsome together, and are looking forward to seeing Charlie with his hair all grown out. Charlie is so funny...we have Garter snakes on the property, and he loves trying to catch them. It's quite amazing to see because he has come close to catching one. Another time he was in the back yard sniffing away and encountered one, and he jumped straight up in the air, just hilarious! Both of the dogs of course love sniffing all over the yard, particularly in the morning to see what creatures (more than likely raccoons) have visited the yard the night before. Sometimes they will be busy sniffing in a spot, when I can see there is a bunny hopping off into the woods about 20 feet away or so, but they just don't even see the bunny. Silly puppies and good friends. Charlie is everything we hoped for and more. We love him dearly and will continue to take good care of him. When we get closer to Christmas and his hair has grown out again, I will snap a holiday photo to send to you. Another silly habit Charlie has, is when I am using the mouse when on the computer, he will come up and put his nose under my mouse hand, and fling it up in the air to try to get me to pet him. He is quite persistent and does not give up until I give him enough attention to satisfy him.
Another funny and cute thing he did, the first time I left the house (after a couple of days of him being here), the kids said that he just started howling. I suppose he was afraid I wouldn't come back. He doesn't do it anymore, so he must feel secure enough now to know that we're a family and this is his home. We still have not heard him bark though! Maybe he thinks Sarah is loud enough that he doesn't need to add to the noise. Sarah has a thyroid condition and takes her pill with peanut butter every day; Charlie also gets a treat of peanut butter at the same time, and he loves it.
Mary Hernandez
Sorry it has taken me so long to snap a picture, but we've been very busy with back to school/start of college preparations. Charlie is doing great and has fit into our family like he was meant to be here. Sarah and Charlie have become best buddies and play together all the time. Charlie has a real love of stuffed animals, and he's quite adept at removing the eyes, so I've started to just cut the eyes off of them before handing them over. He's only had a couple of accidents in the house, and I think they were marking territory kind of incidents. We have had him off the leash a bit (but the dogs are never outside alone) and he has been very good about staying in the yard (we have over two acres). He's taken his place on the blue denim couch alongside Sarah, and once in a while they will let the humans sit there too. We visited our vet and had him tested for heart worms and he was clean, but we are giving him medication along with Sarah because of the risk he incurred while on the run. The vet absolutely loved him. I can't tell you what a healing effect Charlie has had on our lives, after the tragic and unexpected loss of Wookie.
I was able to snap this picture with my cell phone on the deck this afternoon, by using treats as a means of getting them to pose for the camera. Charlie in particular, is keenly watching the hand that was holding the treats! We think the pair look quite handsome together, and are looking forward to seeing Charlie with his hair all grown out. Charlie is so funny...we have Garter snakes on the property, and he loves trying to catch them. It's quite amazing to see because he has come close to catching one. Another time he was in the back yard sniffing away and encountered one, and he jumped straight up in the air, just hilarious! Both of the dogs of course love sniffing all over the yard, particularly in the morning to see what creatures (more than likely raccoons) have visited the yard the night before. Sometimes they will be busy sniffing in a spot, when I can see there is a bunny hopping off into the woods about 20 feet away or so, but they just don't even see the bunny. Silly puppies and good friends. Charlie is everything we hoped for and more. We love him dearly and will continue to take good care of him. When we get closer to Christmas and his hair has grown out again, I will snap a holiday photo to send to you. Another silly habit Charlie has, is when I am using the mouse when on the computer, he will come up and put his nose under my mouse hand, and fling it up in the air to try to get me to pet him. He is quite persistent and does not give up until I give him enough attention to satisfy him.
Another funny and cute thing he did, the first time I left the house (after a couple of days of him being here), the kids said that he just started howling. I suppose he was afraid I wouldn't come back. He doesn't do it anymore, so he must feel secure enough now to know that we're a family and this is his home. We still have not heard him bark though! Maybe he thinks Sarah is loud enough that he doesn't need to add to the noise. Sarah has a thyroid condition and takes her pill with peanut butter every day; Charlie also gets a treat of peanut butter at the same time, and he loves it.
Mary Hernandez
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Camilla came in and warmed up right away... wasn't scared or nervous at all.... She is a PAIN IN THE BUTT!!! she meows all the time... she has made herself right at home! We love her very very much... she and my Kitty (the orange one) get along very very well.... She is VERY playful and will bring her toys up the stair and to my side of the bed and want to play! She is adorable and doing wonderful!
Amanda and Justin Arbuckle
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Bella and Tate

I thought I would send some update photos of the two puppies we have adopted from you….
Wrinkles (Now BELLA) adopted last December (Pit Bull)
Tate (Lab / AM. Staffordshire / Bull Terrier) Adopted a couple months ago…
Also pictured – our other dogs…
Emily - was adopted from Lost-Found and Fostered in Siren (AM. Staffordshire / Boxer)
Cassie (moose) – rescued from a friend of a friend that could no longer care for her.
We are having so much fun with the dogs we have gotten from your organization!
They all play so hard and so well with each other.
Steve & Andrea Bakken
Friday, July 31, 2009
Just wanted to let you have an update. Shurcanpur has really adapted to our home! He loves all the room to run. He runs up and down the stairs (and I thought that I would need to carry him!) He hasn't fallen at all.
He wants to eat ALL the time - you can hardly walk into the kitchen without him racing in ahead of you. He runs everywhere! His 'kitty frenzies' are often and amusing. He has selected a favorite couch and naps after eating and 'frenzying'. He is one sweet baby boy.
We are starting to call him Bogie (Bogart)- Bogiebaby, mostly, but that may change. He seems interested in that name, for now anyway!
Our other family members, black lab and three other cats are a little reluctant (read: really mad) about this change - but change has never been easy for them. For now hissing and growling - no huge altercations - so we think it is going as well as can be expected with them. (Better than I expected!)
We will keep you up to date - he seems to be feeling excellent and is very happy. He's talkative (such a tiny baby voice!) and purrs a great deal. Thanks for your part in saving a very nice guy!
Patty Reinert
Just wanted to let you have an update. Shurcanpur has really adapted to our home! He loves all the room to run. He runs up and down the stairs (and I thought that I would need to carry him!) He hasn't fallen at all.
He wants to eat ALL the time - you can hardly walk into the kitchen without him racing in ahead of you. He runs everywhere! His 'kitty frenzies' are often and amusing. He has selected a favorite couch and naps after eating and 'frenzying'. He is one sweet baby boy.
We are starting to call him Bogie (Bogart)- Bogiebaby, mostly, but that may change. He seems interested in that name, for now anyway!
Our other family members, black lab and three other cats are a little reluctant (read: really mad) about this change - but change has never been easy for them. For now hissing and growling - no huge altercations - so we think it is going as well as can be expected with them. (Better than I expected!)
We will keep you up to date - he seems to be feeling excellent and is very happy. He's talkative (such a tiny baby voice!) and purrs a great deal. Thanks for your part in saving a very nice guy!
Patty Reinert
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pat Alderson Sandy Hoernke
Gordon, Wisconsin
Pat Alderson Sandy Hoernke
Gordon, Wisconsin
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hi all! Just wanted to share some pictures with you from Victor's first day and some of today! (Told you I was a picture freak!) I hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy him! He is doing really well; eating good, napping good (with Dottie), and is very interested in the kitties and the baby! Take care :)
Sarah, Dan, Emma and Gabby, Dottie and Victor Romanowski
Sarah, Dan, Emma and Gabby, Dottie and Victor Romanowski
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Good morning to all -
My wife and I have a follow-up report for you on the dog you allowed us to adopt almost 1 year ago, (my new best friend). She was and still is named Ginger, about 16 months young now. I sent you the photo you had posted last year and also her current photo as of this morning. If you recall Ginger had a brother in your shelter also, his name was Rocky. How is Rocky doing? I would love to reunite those two if possible.
Ginger has been AWESOME in everyway. She eats IAMs dog food now and was on IAMs puppy chow. She eats morning and night (3 - 3 & 1/2) cups a day. She is not allowed any human food.
Ginger may not be overeating (about 65 pounds now) but she is constantly being overdosed with love and affection. She gets three walks a day plus she stays outside in our entire yard which is enclosed via an underground electric fence. I try to keep the collar off her as much as possible for I wonder if throat cancer could be caused by these devices. She is currently on Frontline Plus for ticks and fleas. She had a couple of ticks this year, even with the Frontline.
Ginger is very energetic and loves to play, unfortunately the other dogs get kind of tired with her after about 10-15 minutes. She loves playing with them but they get tired out of playing so much at one time. Ginger is very mildly mannered and well behaved. She was getting sick on car rides but appears to be slowly getting over that. Ginger loves boat and Jet-Ski rides as well as pontoon rides but she refuses to get on a snowmobile with me. I hope this coming winter (2010) she will try the snowmobile.
Her personality has turned out to be very submissive, she will never growl at any dog or person but she will put her front legs up on your shoulder and lick you to death. She will bark once and a while when she sees other wildlife If other dogs come to us with a dominant personality she just lays down and rolls over so they don't start anything. If I'm around she will bark like crazy if someone comes in our yard but then she backs up to the house door and keeps barking. The UPS driver thought she was a different dog for when were not around he said that she just lays on her elevated stretch bed and allows him to step right over her and her bed and lay the package on the porch. When she was a puppy she used to chew a lot, but seems to have gotten over that.
I hope you will share this with Lucas for I know he and Ginger were getting attached to each other. I could tell Ginger missed him when we took her away from your shelter. I have gotten so attached to her, I would not part with her for a million dollars, NO KIDDING! Ginger sleeps with us every night, as the temperature gets warmer she will sometimes go down on the floor in the middle of the night, off of the king sized bed.
Ginger did get mad at me and didn't want anything to do with me for about three days. This happened when I cut her rear leg inner toe nails (side ones, up high) I never caused her any pain (she never yelped or licked them afterwards), nor did I cut them too short, I just wouldn't allow her to get away without getting them cut. They were so long they were starting to curl around and back into her leg. I had to raise my voice at her when i commanded her to stay and sit.
As I said in my previous e-mail - to all who played a part in the adoption process, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for allowing us to give Ginger a loving and caring home.
Dwight and Barb Langfeld
My wife and I have a follow-up report for you on the dog you allowed us to adopt almost 1 year ago, (my new best friend). She was and still is named Ginger, about 16 months young now. I sent you the photo you had posted last year and also her current photo as of this morning. If you recall Ginger had a brother in your shelter also, his name was Rocky. How is Rocky doing? I would love to reunite those two if possible.
Ginger has been AWESOME in everyway. She eats IAMs dog food now and was on IAMs puppy chow. She eats morning and night (3 - 3 & 1/2) cups a day. She is not allowed any human food.
Ginger may not be overeating (about 65 pounds now) but she is constantly being overdosed with love and affection. She gets three walks a day plus she stays outside in our entire yard which is enclosed via an underground electric fence. I try to keep the collar off her as much as possible for I wonder if throat cancer could be caused by these devices. She is currently on Frontline Plus for ticks and fleas. She had a couple of ticks this year, even with the Frontline.
Ginger is very energetic and loves to play, unfortunately the other dogs get kind of tired with her after about 10-15 minutes. She loves playing with them but they get tired out of playing so much at one time. Ginger is very mildly mannered and well behaved. She was getting sick on car rides but appears to be slowly getting over that. Ginger loves boat and Jet-Ski rides as well as pontoon rides but she refuses to get on a snowmobile with me. I hope this coming winter (2010) she will try the snowmobile.
Her personality has turned out to be very submissive, she will never growl at any dog or person but she will put her front legs up on your shoulder and lick you to death. She will bark once and a while when she sees other wildlife If other dogs come to us with a dominant personality she just lays down and rolls over so they don't start anything. If I'm around she will bark like crazy if someone comes in our yard but then she backs up to the house door and keeps barking. The UPS driver thought she was a different dog for when were not around he said that she just lays on her elevated stretch bed and allows him to step right over her and her bed and lay the package on the porch. When she was a puppy she used to chew a lot, but seems to have gotten over that.
I hope you will share this with Lucas for I know he and Ginger were getting attached to each other. I could tell Ginger missed him when we took her away from your shelter. I have gotten so attached to her, I would not part with her for a million dollars, NO KIDDING! Ginger sleeps with us every night, as the temperature gets warmer she will sometimes go down on the floor in the middle of the night, off of the king sized bed.
Ginger did get mad at me and didn't want anything to do with me for about three days. This happened when I cut her rear leg inner toe nails (side ones, up high) I never caused her any pain (she never yelped or licked them afterwards), nor did I cut them too short, I just wouldn't allow her to get away without getting them cut. They were so long they were starting to curl around and back into her leg. I had to raise my voice at her when i commanded her to stay and sit.
As I said in my previous e-mail - to all who played a part in the adoption process, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for allowing us to give Ginger a loving and caring home.
Dwight and Barb Langfeld
Friday, May 1, 2009

To my friends at Burnett County Humane Society,
My name is Kodiak, AKA Gate Keeper, I am writing to see how you are all doing? Also to let you all know how my family has been working out. I have been here for a year now!!! WOW!! Everything is great here, I’m spoiled like crazy!! I am getting to be a big boy, though, I just went to the vet for shots and I weigh a whooping 74 lbs!! It’s mostly being big boned and lots of muscle. I love to run and play. I am very active. I love being outside, playing fetch or chasing my tail, it doesn’t really matter to me. Sticks are one of my favorite toys, I like to chew them up and make messes with them. If we are outside, I have to go find the biggest, longest stick I can and whack my parents on the back of the legs when I come running by, not on purpose mind you; Even the kids too, although I tend to knock them over in the process. They just end up laughing about it anyways.
I just wanted to write to you and thank you for letting this family adopt me. They are wonderful! In October I got 2 brothers!! They are WAY bigger than me. Their names are Roscoe and Jake, they are horses. Actually Jake is just a miniature, but he scares me the most. He likes to chase and try and play with me. I don’t care for that very much. I did have one other brother, Hemi, he was a cat but my parents gave him to another family because he was peeing and pooping outside his litter box. It’s kind of lonely without him.
I’ve said enough, I could go on and on but I mainly wrote to tell you I love it here. Also wanted to send some pictures of me to let you know how big I am.
Take care,
With love,
AKA Gate Keeper
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hi. You probably don't remember me. I was the cutest female out of a litter of nine back in 2002. My mom was pregnant and homeless...someone found her and brought her to your shelter. It was either there or in a foster home where I was born. I only remember the pen we all were kept in at the farm. It was crazy, but we were all together, mom and us pups. We were fed, and had shelter. Then one day these nice people from White Bear Lake, Minnesota came up and played with us. It was around June 15th, '02. Anyways, they paid special attention to me of course and before I knew it I was in a car, sitting on a blanket on a nice young ladies lap. They were adopting me! Apparently their dog went to dog heaven and they needed another pup to fill in the void. Me! I missed my siblings and cried for about 3 or 4 nights, but they seemed pretty nice all in all. (Actually they were the best!)
Pretty soon they had me potty training and running around in a huge wooded yard. I gave 'em a run for their money back in those I used to be fast!
Anyhoo, I'm livin' the life of Riley here...thought you'd like to know. I often wonder how my siblings are doing, where they are...There was a family reunion that we couldn't go to, back a few years ago. I wish I could've made it. Maybe there'll be another one someday. I hope to go to the next one if someone organizes it. I don't even know how to get in touch with any of them. If you published this maybe someone will see it and get something cooking...
Yeah life is good here. I love going to the cabin, laying in the sand, and wading in the lake. (It's a little embarrassing but, I don't swim very I chase ducks that are close to the shoreline and I terrorize the minnows.) I love chasing squirrels and chipmunks...that never gets old, you know what I mean? Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, dog treats are the best! I'm a huge mooch, and my owners are such suckers for a cute face. Oh by the way, if they gave dogs degrees, I'd have a PHD. I do many different tricks and the woman who adopted me makes me actually say "Ma-ma", she's weird but she's fun. She laughs histerically every time I do it! (She's a product of the 60's...)
Yeah, life is awesome. So, I guess I just wanted to tell you thanks for taking me in when I was a little squirt. I'm about 65 lbs...a lot bigger than when you last saw me! (I need to go on a diet...this winter was a killer.)
Take care and I hope you enjoy the photos. You guys do wonderful things...I just thought you outta know. I've wanted to tell you that for a long time. I finally got around to it.
Yours truly,
Tally and (Peg Selander...owner, typing this letter for me...opposable paws.)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dear Woof Report,
Hi. You probably don't remember me. I was the cutest female out of a litter of nine back in 2002. My mom was pregnant and homeless...someone found her and brought her to your shelter. It was either there or in a foster home where I was born. I only remember the pen we all were kept in at the farm. It was crazy, but we were all together, mom and us pups. We were fed, and had shelter. Then one day these nice people from White Bear Lake, Minnesota came up and played with us. It was around June 15th, '02. Anyways, they paid special attention to me of course and before I knew it I was in a car, sitting on a blanket on a nice young ladies lap. They were adopting me! Apparently their dog went to dog heaven and they needed another pup to fill in the void. Me! I missed my siblings and cried for about 3 or 4 nights, but they seemed pretty nice all in all. (Actually they were the best!)
Pretty soon they had me potty training and running around in a huge wooded yard. I gave 'em a run for their money back in those I used to be fast!
Anyhoo, I'm livin' the life of Riley here...thought you'd like to know. I often wonder how my siblings are doing, where they are...There was a family reunion that we couldn't go to, back a few years ago. I wish I could've made it. Maybe there'll be another one someday. I hope to go to the next one if someone organizes it. I don't even know how to get in touch with any of them. If you published this maybe someone will see it and get something cooking...
Yeah life is good here. I love going to the cabin, laying in the sand, and wading in the lake. (It's a little embarrassing but, I don't swim very I chase ducks that are close to the shoreline and I terrorize the minnows.) I love chasing squirrels and chipmunks...that never gets old, you know what I mean? Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, dog treats are the best! I'm a huge mooch, and my owners are such suckers for a cute face. Oh by the way, if they gave dogs degrees, I'd have a PHD. I do many different tricks and the woman who adopted me makes me actually say "Ma-ma", she's weird but she's fun. She laughs histerically every time I do it! (She's a product of the 60's...)
Yeah, life is awesome. So, I guess I just wanted to tell you thanks for taking me in when I was a little squirt. I'm about 65 lbs...a lot bigger than when you last saw me! (I need to go on a diet...this winter was a killer.)
Take care and I hope you enjoy the photos. You guys do wonderful things...I just thought you outta know. I've wanted to tell you that for a long time. I finally got around to it.
Yours truly,
Tally and (Peg Selander...owner, typing this letter for me...opposable paws.)
Hi. You probably don't remember me. I was the cutest female out of a litter of nine back in 2002. My mom was pregnant and homeless...someone found her and brought her to your shelter. It was either there or in a foster home where I was born. I only remember the pen we all were kept in at the farm. It was crazy, but we were all together, mom and us pups. We were fed, and had shelter. Then one day these nice people from White Bear Lake, Minnesota came up and played with us. It was around June 15th, '02. Anyways, they paid special attention to me of course and before I knew it I was in a car, sitting on a blanket on a nice young ladies lap. They were adopting me! Apparently their dog went to dog heaven and they needed another pup to fill in the void. Me! I missed my siblings and cried for about 3 or 4 nights, but they seemed pretty nice all in all. (Actually they were the best!)
Pretty soon they had me potty training and running around in a huge wooded yard. I gave 'em a run for their money back in those I used to be fast!
Anyhoo, I'm livin' the life of Riley here...thought you'd like to know. I often wonder how my siblings are doing, where they are...There was a family reunion that we couldn't go to, back a few years ago. I wish I could've made it. Maybe there'll be another one someday. I hope to go to the next one if someone organizes it. I don't even know how to get in touch with any of them. If you published this maybe someone will see it and get something cooking...
Yeah life is good here. I love going to the cabin, laying in the sand, and wading in the lake. (It's a little embarrassing but, I don't swim very I chase ducks that are close to the shoreline and I terrorize the minnows.) I love chasing squirrels and chipmunks...that never gets old, you know what I mean? Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, dog treats are the best! I'm a huge mooch, and my owners are such suckers for a cute face. Oh by the way, if they gave dogs degrees, I'd have a PHD. I do many different tricks and the woman who adopted me makes me actually say "Ma-ma", she's weird but she's fun. She laughs histerically every time I do it! (She's a product of the 60's...)
Yeah, life is awesome. So, I guess I just wanted to tell you thanks for taking me in when I was a little squirt. I'm about 65 lbs...a lot bigger than when you last saw me! (I need to go on a diet...this winter was a killer.)
Take care and I hope you enjoy the photos. You guys do wonderful things...I just thought you outta know. I've wanted to tell you that for a long time. I finally got around to it.
Yours truly,
Tally and (Peg Selander...owner, typing this letter for me...opposable paws.)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hi to all the folks at the Burnett County Humane Society,
I adopted Birkie (formerly Rennie) last April and have exciting news to share! My dad was incredibly curious about what kind of dog she is - she's so smart and determined and very silly - and he ordered a DNA test for her. The test recently came back - Birkie is a boxer/bulldog/Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Birkie is a great girl and loves to play, chase squirrels, and walk around the lake. She's the first dog I've had that has never destroyed or chewed anything that wasn't hers to chew, and she picks up new words after only a few repetitions. She can even retrieve her toys by name! Winter was a little tough; she doesn't exactly have a thick coat, and was very upset about the idea of wearing a coat. But with spring on the way, she's loving the mud and is back to playing fetch. She really is a fabulous dog. Thank you so much. Best, Caitlin Williams
I've attached a picture of Birkie with my dad's golden retriever, Bailey, playing in the snow.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Phoenix, who we adopted on Jan. 31st. "Pheeny" as we call him, has completely adapted to his new life. He follows my mom around and she can't sit down for a moment without him crawling into her lap. His hair, where it was shaved, is starting to grow back now.
He is full of vim and vigor, plays and entertains himself. We manage to clip his claws when he is very relaxed and half asleep. Mom strokes him and I clip. He doesn't seem to mind. Sometimes it seems like Pheeny thinks he's died and gone to heaven, he's so happy.
He is also very talkative -- which is sometimes annoying at 6 a.m. when he wakes mom up. He has also now started to go outside. He doesn't roam far and comes when called (amazing!). He and Bootsie have reached what appears to be a somewhat friendly understanding. They've touched noses several times without Bootsie hissing or arching her back. We are making progress.
Harriet and Eva
He is full of vim and vigor, plays and entertains himself. We manage to clip his claws when he is very relaxed and half asleep. Mom strokes him and I clip. He doesn't seem to mind. Sometimes it seems like Pheeny thinks he's died and gone to heaven, he's so happy.
He is also very talkative -- which is sometimes annoying at 6 a.m. when he wakes mom up. He has also now started to go outside. He doesn't roam far and comes when called (amazing!). He and Bootsie have reached what appears to be a somewhat friendly understanding. They've touched noses several times without Bootsie hissing or arching her back. We are making progress.
Harriet and Eva
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hi, Our dog Rory. (formerly known as Aurora) asked us to key in her e-mail thoughts to you...she still has trouble using a keyboard. (She's able to unlatch a locked window and jump through it to make a glorious romp around the neighborhood but she can't use a keyboard yet. She's scary smart, I wouldn't be surprised if she learns.) Also, thanks for making adopting her such a nice experience. She's a wonderful dog. Tom and Faith Billings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Everyone! It was nice to stop by the Humane Society and see old friends when we were up in Siren last week. I still don't have my human units trained to the standard I expect from them but they seem willing to learn (they keep saying that annoying 'NO" word a lot and don't seem to understand that I prefer my walks always be more than a mile). How 6 weeks has flown by since I was adopted! I had some issues with separation anxiety until I settled into my new routine (and home) and I must admit my new human pack members recognized that and gave me some help to deal with that. Things are much better now. My new vet said separation issues aren't uncommon with adopted pets and owners who work through it with their pets generally have pretty good outcomes. My owners seem to be big blues fans because my shelter name--Aurora--was shortened to Rory. Something about a late Irish bluesman named Rory Gallagher, I don't know. I mean, I'm a dog. I've started obedience training at the local Humane Society here in Minneapolis and of course I graduated to Level 2 in record time. Although my puppy cutes have carried me this far I find that I'm liking the training classes: I get awesome treats, get to hang with other dogs and I find that I'm a lot more confident. I mean, who knew? I suspect my new human pack mates have other things in store for me. I've heard them discussing agility training, field training and water retrieving. As a chesapeake/springer mix I am SO down with anything having to do with water or being in the woods! I've gained 6 pounds but I've managed to keep my girlish figure. Although I have chew toys and soft toys I still like to indulge in a bit of mischief, chewing-wise. As a mater of fact I see a dish towel with my name on it! Gotta go! Rory (the dog formerly known as Aurora)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Well, first of all, I would like to thank you all for the commitment and time you put forth for the animals that come through your shelter. The telephone calls with the shelter; for additional info. on Chopper, the call about our application being approved, and the follow-up call a week after the adoption were all very friendly. It was also very meaningful to us that when we requested some additional pictures of Chopper be sent to us by email before our visit, that the time was taken to do that! Also, the suggestion to bring our Golden Retriever with so the 2 dogs could meet was also a wonderful idea - as well as you giving our children a chance to meet and play ball with Chopper beforehand - all was appreciated! He walks very well with the use of a pinch collar and we notice improvement in his manners daily! He LOVES to play catch and tug! We are truly loving the new addition to our family!! Thank you again,(Scott, Sonja, Blaine, Kole, and Alex)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hi guys!
Here are some photo’s of our dear little love we call Kobi and you all once called Wuzzy. He is one of the sweetest, curious and loving little guy. We truly love all of our adopted babies! I am sending pictures of his whole cat family, all 3 of his loving brothers!
I hope you enjoy the photo’s! As you can tell I take LOTS of photo’s. I think the boys believe I am the paparazzi!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Bliss again. It's been a week already and she continues to do well, seems like she is crate trained and likes it. She got tired last night and went in by herself and laid down for a nap. No potty type accidents since last monday. She has met 3 of the neighborhood dogs and likes 2 of the 3. Loves to ride in the car; has learned to jump right in and runs from window to window when we are moving so she doesn't miss anything. She is fond of pancakes and snuck one off Annette's plate when she turned her back, ate it in about 5 seconds and was then looking for seconds. That was her first sampling of human food here and she likes it. Has Vet appt. for worm check and stitches out on the 30th. She remains our darling and don't worry about us bringing her back. Oh yeah, she likes to nap on laps too which is alright with us especially in this cold weather. Earl
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