Gizmo is doing great.
He didn’t really seem to acknowledge his name so we changed it to Hairy
Pawter and he now comes to “Hairy.” He lets us do just about anything to
him, brush him, clip his nails, bathe him, and brush his teeth. My
youngest loves it that he’ll hang out by her while she plays with her dolls on
the odd chance he might get petted. We’ve found he is a little food
aggressive but we’re working on that and he is fine with the cats as long as
they don’t want to be petted by the humans. Then he gets angry and
jealous. We also discovered that he really didn’t know what to do with
stairs. He now climbs up them but still struggles going down.
Hairy loves to be
outside exploring and tries not to miss an opportunity to go on car rides.
Where our one dachshund likes to go along and just be near us, Hairy
wants to be held to see out the window. We had bought him a bed for our
room but he preferred sleeping in the closet, we moved the bed in there and
after a few days he actually slept in the bed rather than beside it. Ha!
Other than that all
is well. I think he and our other pets have adjusted well.