Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Good Morning,

We have renamed Smokey "Ernie."  He has adjusted really well and seems to be very happy in our home.  He and our other 8 month old kitten wrestle and play and snuggle.  Our other kittens' name is Elsa, who is my 3 year old daughters' cat.  So Smokey was purchased for my 5 year old son.  They have bonded VERY well and spend lots of time together; they sleep together every night.  He has a cat bed on the bottom shelf of our end table in the living room and loves sleeping in there when we are gone.  I will send a few pics in another email.

This was our first time getting an animal from any Humane Society and we have been extremely happy with our experience.  We have shared our experience with family and friends and hope others will consider your agency when looking for a new pet.

Thanks for everything,