Pam, I have been in touch with Cherie re: Buttons, who is now known as
Taz. For Tasmanian devil, if that gives you any idea of how things are
going, ha ha. Rough start with Taz as he was/is very aggressive towards other
dogs. We had some pretty bad scuffles with my other dogs, but this is
getting much better although it did happen again today on our walk. I
have 2 other dogs and we encountered another dog and Taz went crazy barking and
pulling at the leash. When he couldn't get at the other dog, he attacked
Dusty (miniature poodle) and I had to raise him off the ground to get them
apart. He has never really bitten or drawn blood. I need to be more
aware that this can happen and avoid other dogs if at all possible. On
the plus side, things are going really well in the house-no attacks in over a
week and Taz has been starting to relax and know that this is his forever
home. Taz is my third rescue dog, and they all need time to adjust.
He is very playful and loves his walks, he is eating well, and is very
cuddly. I think he will be perfect!