looking out the window.
soon as my husband, Dan, and I brought Rex into our home, he went sniffing
around to every corner of the house. That was that, and it's been our
home since.
first week we finally worked out a schedule. Of course Rex needs to go out
first thing in the morning and last thing at night. But he likes to eat
his second bowl of food in the middle of the night! He's not much of a
playing fetch dog, but we're working on it. He has brought us a squeaky
newspaper after we threw it and said, “Fetch!” We need to get him really
excited about the toy- like something big is going on.
was good while walking on the leash. He started to pull a bit so we worked with
him on heeling. He does a great job! We don't make him heel all the time,
but Rex knows he needs to leave some slack in the leash. He will heel when
asked. We've had a problem with Rex turning around at the end of the
drive to head back to the house. He's doing much better at it now.
is really a sweet dog. We are having fun teaching him new things. We use
a positive approach and always have those Zukes mini treats to reward Rex when
he's learning something new. Sometimes I stuff the treats in a small Kong
and he figured out how to get them out using his paws to spin the Kong.
could sit and lay down when we got him. He has learned to give his paw to
shake, stay with treats 6-8 feet away and wait until he's given the “come”
signal to go get the treat, let leash holder out the door first, sit or lay
outside the kitchen when we eat, and so much more! We're so proud of him!
We love him so much and he loves us back.
the most important part of the whole story
adoption has made us so very happy! Thank you!