Nothing makes us happier at HSBC than to hear about how animals adopted from our shelter are doing in their new forever families!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Hope you aren't insulted but her name is now Annie. We really like Jaida just fine, but somehow she seems to us like an Annie.
She is doing just great. Obviously you people at the shelter worked hard and often with her. We have detected no behaviors that cause us any alarm. Thanks for your work. Annie lives with out two older greyhounds and so far so good. We also introduced her to one of our cats (very briefly and carefully). No apparent problems there either. We do lots of walking because of the health benefits, so Annie puts multi miles on her little legs every day. Overall, she is a spicy little gundle of energy, but does not show signs of agressions or pushiness.
Thank you for preparing her for life with us. We will always take care of her and love her as a member of our family. Perhaps an opportunity will arise when we can bring her for a visit with you at the shelter. Please relay our thanks to Lucas and the others on the staff.
Bob and Mary Ellen
Update: Annie came to visit and it was great to see what a happy, healthy and well loved dog she is!
She is doing just great. Obviously you people at the shelter worked hard and often with her. We have detected no behaviors that cause us any alarm. Thanks for your work. Annie lives with out two older greyhounds and so far so good. We also introduced her to one of our cats (very briefly and carefully). No apparent problems there either. We do lots of walking because of the health benefits, so Annie puts multi miles on her little legs every day. Overall, she is a spicy little gundle of energy, but does not show signs of agressions or pushiness.
Thank you for preparing her for life with us. We will always take care of her and love her as a member of our family. Perhaps an opportunity will arise when we can bring her for a visit with you at the shelter. Please relay our thanks to Lucas and the others on the staff.
Bob and Mary Ellen
Update: Annie came to visit and it was great to see what a happy, healthy and well loved dog she is!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Carly has been switched to Ali and she has figured that out just fine as she larns about her new home. As I type this she is lying next to me all pooped out from a run with me and our golden retriever Claire, followed up by a surprise visit from on of my good buddies and her 6 month old black lab. What a play session that was!
She is figuring out things very quickly. My first impression of her at the shelter was that she was a smart dog and that is definitely proving to be true. She is great to work with and we are enjoying her very much. (The cat is not all that fond of her but they'll figure stuff out with a bit more time.)
She is figuring out things very quickly. My first impression of her at the shelter was that she was a smart dog and that is definitely proving to be true. She is great to work with and we are enjoying her very much. (The cat is not all that fond of her but they'll figure stuff out with a bit more time.)
Jerry Lewis
Jerry Lewis is doing fine!
He has free run of the house and loves looking out the window at the birds. He gets along very well with out other cat, Rusty...and last night was actually the first night they slept together with me on the bed...he is eating great and has a LOT of new toys!!!
He is a lover and a talker..I am just so happy we got him. He has started jumping in the tub and drinking the water from the faucet...and when it isn't running, he "talks to me" til I turn it on...funny...Yes, he's spoiled!!
I will keep you updated and thanks for take care of him while he was with you!!
You are wonderful!

He is a lover and a talker..I am just so happy we got him. He has started jumping in the tub and drinking the water from the faucet...and when it isn't running, he "talks to me" til I turn it on...funny...Yes, he's spoiled!!
I will keep you updated and thanks for take care of him while he was with you!!
You are wonderful!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Hello from Cody!

My name is Cody, I'm a cat and I live with a great family near Webster. At the end of the summer, my family brought home a kitten. She was named Missy but my family changed her name to Tasha because it looks like she has a milk mustache. I wasn't sure what to think of her at first but it didn't take us long to become good friends. It's fun having a "sister". We have fun chasing each other and playing hide and seek. We like to sleep near the woodstove now that it's cold outside. Tasha is a lot more curious than I am, especially about our big black lab. She's energetic and even though I'm only 2, she brings out my playful side. When our family is gone during the day, it is really nice having someone else around. We even look like "brother and sister" because I'm also black and white. Deacon, our dog, is entertained by her squeaky voice, although he doesn't think she's so cute when he gets a table scrap and she rushes in to nab the morself for herself. Tasha wants to say that she is very thankful for the Burnett County Humane Society for taking her in. She was sad to be adopted without her brother, Zach, but is happy that he has a new home, too. It did make it easy for her to adapt to me, her new "brother". She'd say more but she just closed her eyes and is resting on the chair near the warm woodstove.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I wanted to share this good news with you. I adopted a black and white "tuxedo" kitten, named Josh in Sept-October of 2010 from your Humane Society. I renamed him Elvis because his lip injury left him with a crooked smile or a sneer, similar to Elvis Presley.
I took Elvis in for his rabies vaccination earlier this month at Hudson Road Animal Hospital and my veterinarian announced that Elvis was selected as Pet of the Month. You can read about Elvis and see a current picture of him on their website here: http://www.hrah-pa.com/petof month/83/
I also attached a recent photo of Elvis (my cat) and a not-so-recent picture of elvis Presley!
Janice Maine
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Greetings from Nina in Mankato, Minnesota
Greetings From Mankato!

About what. . . .two month's ago, I adopted Nina, the beautiful boarder collie/spaniel mix. Nina has transformed into the most wonderful puppy in the world. She lives with three college girls and is totally pampered and spoiled. Every single day, Nina seems to do something to surprise us. At first, she wouldn't really eat any bones or treats, we couldn't get her to respond with any toys and now she is the funniest little thing. When we take her out she prances and jumps around like a little deer and is always giving kisses, even to strangers.
We have been attending obedience class with her and she is so smart. We are working towards becoming a therapy dog and her trainers are super excited and love to work with her. Little kids love to pet her because she stills rolls over on her back for her belly to be scratched. Attached are a ton of picture We are so happy people always make fun of us for spoiling her, but really, we are the lucky ones because of the endless amount of love we receive from her.

About what. . . .two month's ago, I adopted Nina, the beautiful boarder collie/spaniel mix. Nina has transformed into the most wonderful puppy in the world. She lives with three college girls and is totally pampered and spoiled. Every single day, Nina seems to do something to surprise us. At first, she wouldn't really eat any bones or treats, we couldn't get her to respond with any toys and now she is the funniest little thing. When we take her out she prances and jumps around like a little deer and is always giving kisses, even to strangers.
We have been attending obedience class with her and she is so smart. We are working towards becoming a therapy dog and her trainers are super excited and love to work with her. Little kids love to pet her because she stills rolls over on her back for her belly to be scratched. Attached are a ton of picture We are so happy people always make fun of us for spoiling her, but really, we are the lucky ones because of the endless amount of love we receive from her.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thank you for asking about Sweety - her new name is Joey. She is doing WONDERFULLY in our home. She is getting along great with Jett. They plan often in the house. She likes to chew so she has a special bone that is all hers that she can chew on and we make sure that she has it in her crate while we are not home. She is for the most part housebroken, so there have been very few accidents. She is still trying to figure out how to let us know that she has to go out...she is starting to whine in the kitchen - near the door, so we are very excited. The boys love her and she loves them, wiggling her rear end and wagging her tail at them. She is curious about the cats, but for the most part, she leaves them alone, and they are happy about that. Thank you for the pictures that you have. I love the one with her tongue sticking out.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Josie (formerly Alanna) seems to be adjusting quite nicely. She had her stitches out this morning and the vet will follow-up with me on the fecal sample. Josie is no longer afraid of getting in and out of the truck. I took her on several long walks after a rise so she would know that a car ride does not necessarily mean going to the vet. She has also learned to climb stairs since I live on the second floor of my house. She seems eage to please and comes (usually) when called although I always have a leash on her when outside. Your video is quite helpful and I look forward to helping Josie learn her manners and a few tricks.Erin
Monday, October 24, 2011
Pia and Huey
Hi there, our little babies, renamed "Hannah" (Huey) and "Emily" (Pia) by our daughter are loving their new set-up! Our daughter loves holding them and would 24/7 if I would allow her to! We have set certain times up during the day that the cts get a break and they usually nap! We also have a room that is their "safe-zone" where they cn be completely alone and free to eat and then another room to use the box in privacy. We can hear both of them scrambling around wrestling each other when we leave them alone, and they just love to quiet down after playing and sleep all snuggled up by each other! We are still waiting for them to be a bit more relaxed and holdable but understand that its gotta be a bit overwhelming with the kids chasing them around! So, I'm sure it'll come after time. We will definitely let you know if questions come up but for now we are fine. Thanks for the opportunity to bring even more joy into our home!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Beautiful Bargain Beauford
The day we came to your shelter to "just look at the dogs" was one of the best days of this year. The beautiful golden eys of an oddly colored dog caught our attention. The next thing we knew Beauford was leaning against my husband insisting on playing fetch. He won us over with his enthusiasm and determination.
Three months later we still don't know how long he will play fetch; we tire out long before he does. An unexpected bonus is that we are losing weight and toning up due to our increased exercise.
Speaking of bonuses: Beauford came to us neutered, micro-chipped and vet checked for a cost that is less than a few month's gym fees.
You folks are not only contributing to the health and well being of the pets you serve, but also their new owners!
Thanks and keep up the good work,
Three months later we still don't know how long he will play fetch; we tire out long before he does. An unexpected bonus is that we are losing weight and toning up due to our increased exercise.
Speaking of bonuses: Beauford came to us neutered, micro-chipped and vet checked for a cost that is less than a few month's gym fees.
You folks are not only contributing to the health and well being of the pets you serve, but also their new owners!
Thanks and keep up the good work,
Monday, September 26, 2011
Dudley and Jose
The boys are doing fabulous! We have given them new names - Starsky and Hutch. Jose is Starsky and Dudley is Hutch. We enjoy them so much, each day is a new adventure for them as us as well. I had no idea how high they can jump! Jose decided he enjoys sitting on the top of my refrigerator and some times the top of my kitchen cupboards is one of his favorite spots. Dudley is a little less adventurous. He does enjoy spending time on the back of my couch calling to the birds and catching flies, he also likes sitting on my dresser. But one thing is for certain, where one is the other is not too far away. They love finding new things and actually talk back to us when we talk to them. They have no problem feeling right at home on my bed. One of my favorite things to see is when they lay on the floor and actually hug each other and fall asleep that way. We are all very happy to have them in our lives, they are a wonderful addition. Thank you for the opportunity - we are so greatful!
Much appreciation,
Mary Bergeron & family
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Bertha renamed Daisy!

A lot of her characteristics and actions remind us a lot of Bob's
brother's old dog Cody. He was an Australian Shepard and she reminds us
of him a lot.
Attached is a picture of her.
Attached is a picture of her.
Carolyn and Bob Penders
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Chartrand Family- Andy, Sarah, Natalie and Amelia
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Hello from Shadow!

I am fantastic! I learned from my new owner that I am a breed called a "Russian Blue" and have the white powdered sugar sprinkles on my tail, which proves it! I sleep in between my new mum and pop every night, and cry if they go away. Of course, I wait by the door until they get home, and am the first to greet them. They have dry food and fresh water daily, and I have already gained some weight!
I have the run of a big house, but never go outside. I have two screen porches to sit on where I watch chipmonks, birds and squireels. I can't wait 'til mum opens the big door each morning so I can go on the screen porch with my brother and sister. They like me fine, and I play "Catchers" with the big guy, Scooby. Little Girl likes me, too.
My new owners LOVE ME VERY MUCH, and I love them too. I am glad you kept me safe and warm for so long, so I could have a good home now.
Bye for now,
Saturday, September 3, 2011

He is totally house trained, loves to go for walks and his favorite toy is a stuffed eyeball that fell off of one of Aja's bigger toys. He likes to sleep UNDER the covers, thank you very much, and if not allowed to do so will look at you with a look that Sarah McLaughlin could write a song about. Paco comes to work with me at the vet clinic almost every day where, of course, everyone loves him. :)
Thanks so much for taking care of him all that time, I'm, sure he would tell you It was well worth it!
Meeko has settled in very well. He is the class star and is completely hours trained. He still gets excited around other dogs and has a hard time listening when his is distracted, but he is learning quickly. He is such a blessing in my home and brightens every day. Thank you so much for helping me adopt him.
Hey there!
Nubbins (Anni) is doing great! She's healthy, happy and has easily blended into our family. Our 10 year old collie Hester has taken to her with no problems....though gets annoyed with her puppy behavior and nibble attacks! Nubbins is really sweet and relaxed most of the time, but has her pupy spaz attacks a few times a day. She's diong great with potty training...only 1 or 2 accidents a week. She is super snuggly, super sneaky, super cute, super nibbly, super pain in the "A" sometimes...but all in all SUPER! We'll bring her by for a visit this Sept. when we're at our cabin in Siren.
Thanks again and see you soon!
Krista and Joe Donahue
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Colt aka Shiloh is doing GREAT. My kids went with Colt because of the colt 45 gun and he is as fast as a bullet. He sits, lays, army crawls. On the hot days he likes to take dips in the pool with the boys. He is a very fast learner. You can tell he came from a big littler or the big dogs took his toys, he eats his food like someone is going to take it from him and he tends to hide EVERYTHING that he finds, his or not. Shoes, bones, toys, just anything. So we have brought him lots of toys but some days we can't find any of them. He gets along really well with the cat, friends have brought their dogs over and he has been really great. So thank everyone for us for taking such great care of him. We are very lucky God blessed us with a new family member.
Yours friends
Don, Angie, Hunter, Hogan, Harrison, Something & Colt
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Johnny aka Chewbacca the Wookie
He is the most Amazing, and I cannot stress amazing enough, little guy. He continues to make me laugh with antics and I never dreamed how huge his personality could be. He absolutely loves his brother and sister and the pool in the backyard gets a daily use from him. When I have let them outside during the recent intense heat, he loves to lay down in it and put his head on the side. He even appeared to be asleep the other day.
Chewie loves to wrestle with Tazzi our Swedish Vallehund (she is his size) and he is lso fascinated by the cats. He doesn't chase them, but has to sniff and rub up against them and even climb up next to them on the back of the couch and go to sleep.
He hasn't even had an accident in the house!!! He sleeps next to me on the bed, walks on his leash like a champ and loves car rides. He is PERFECT! I would never ever guess he is about nine years old. He goes in for his Lyme's booster with Dr Tom in Webster. Of all th rescue dogs I have had over my lifetime (I'm 45), he is without a doubt the most grateful and loving. When I get home from wherever, he does the cutest little teddy bear dance on his back legs and goes around in circles.
I will gladly bring him by for a visit sometime when we are up at our cabin. Please thank everyone there for me and Chewie too. You are to be commended for everything you do.
Lots of love and gratefulness,
Suzie and Chewie,
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Little Grey and Alex
Little Grey is now named Ciner. She and our little maltese dog "Tripper" seem to be in love. Lol. They sleep together, give each other baths, and the dog tries to share his ball and chew toys with her. It is sooooo adorable. She goes around chasing his tail and he pulls her along until shes tired. She is our little explorer. She needs to see what everythig is and what is in every nook and cranny.
Tlex is now names Tanner, with a nickname of Chainsaw. He purrs so loudly, that you can hear him across the house that my finance calls him a little chainsaw. We rub his chin and its like revving up an engine. He has become more of the cuddler, wants to be held as much as possible, and greets me when I get home from work. He doesn't seem to know how to Meow yet. Instead he makes this squirlly sounds. Makes it very eash to know which cat is sneaking up to you.
In the last week and a half they have grown much. We tried keeping them to a few rooms at first but they wanted the whole house. And since they were already litter trained (not a single accident!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU) we let them have free roaming. They like to sleep in my daughters bed and hide toys under her desk. They have become more and more playful. They sound like elephants now running through the house when they are wrestling, chasing each other or a ball. They can do quite the acrobatic tricks. THen when the dog gets involved, its so comical watching they all play and chase and when the kittens decide to gang up on him, we laugh all night long.
Anyways - Thank you again for these little ones. They fit into our new home just perfectly and they are very happy.
Jolene Wichlidal
Monday, May 30, 2011
So far, Tony is doing great! We love him and he is really fitting into our family. He has already gone on many runs with me and went camping with us this last weekend. He is such a good dog, and we are so happy to have him. He definitely loves to cuddle and be around us. He settled in quite well, and we have not had any problems with his behavior, so far. He has a bit comfy pilloe to sleep on and lots of fun toys and treats. He is such a friend and companion. He got to meet goth of our families a few time already, and our families love him as well. Everyone tells us how he is such a well-behaved, good looking dog. And they are right!! The best part is that bot sets of our parents own lots of land, so he has lots of room to run around. And, he even met some of our friends who have three dogs, and he plays so well with them. They have a ball!
Thank you so much for your help in us adopting him. He is surely a wonderful addition to our home and family. He seems very happy here, and has settled in well. We love him!
Take care,
Rachel and Adam Derosier
Saturday, March 5, 2011
"Soffie" Loran is doing very well....seems to really appreciate a warm, safe home after being a stray and living in a kennel. Yesterday morning when I was barely awake she jumped up on the bed, snuggled up by my shoulder and started purring like a Mercedes before I even touched her or said a word. She chases and is chased by our other cat, Kit, a male who is about 6 years old. They are getting along quite well together...only a few hissy fits.
Soffie has laid come to a favorite chair. Fortunately Kit prefers the sofa so no problem. I thought the chair was mine, so it's fortunate for me that she likes laps too.
Soffie likes the screened porch even in the winter. After all, the squirrels are active and there's still birds at the feeder.
Black was my least favorite color for pets, but she is such a sweetheart and her coat so shiny, she really is a "Beauty in Black." I chose her in the first place because I had read that shelters have a hard time placing black cats (may have been in your news column) and all cats deserve a good home; Now I'm so glad I did.
My husband likes her too. I knew he would...just likes to grumble about pets. Now we each can have a cat in our lap when watching TV....no need to be jealous!
Thank you all for the fine work you do in rescuing animals.
Soffie has laid come to a favorite chair. Fortunately Kit prefers the sofa so no problem. I thought the chair was mine, so it's fortunate for me that she likes laps too.
Soffie likes the screened porch even in the winter. After all, the squirrels are active and there's still birds at the feeder.
Black was my least favorite color for pets, but she is such a sweetheart and her coat so shiny, she really is a "Beauty in Black." I chose her in the first place because I had read that shelters have a hard time placing black cats (may have been in your news column) and all cats deserve a good home; Now I'm so glad I did.
My husband likes her too. I knew he would...just likes to grumble about pets. Now we each can have a cat in our lap when watching TV....no need to be jealous!
Thank you all for the fine work you do in rescuing animals.
Thanks for the e-mail. We have actually renamed him Mojo because he seems to have so much energy and is so loving. We absolutely love him and he has settled in without incident. He is just so friendly and easy going. When we took him to the vet for a ckeck-up, he didn't put up any fuss at all. It only took our other cat a couple days to get used to him and now they seem like best friends. We couldn't be happier. We feel so very blessed to find a new cat like him. Thank you and your staff for being so accomodating and friendly. We know Mojo was well taken care of while he was there at HSBC.
Greg & Rae Marie
Greg & Rae Marie
Thursday, January 27, 2011
How nice to hear from you, and Thanks for asking about Gertrude, now Tori. Hard to believe we are working on 3 weeks now.
Tori has settled in wonderfully. Our trip home to Madison was a little longer than usual since she let us know that she needed to go out every couple of hundred miles, but she wasn't afraid of the trucks when they released their air brakes instead she just turned around and stared at it and let out a little snort and walked on.
She's interested in her backyard and has met the neighbors one by one. Yes, even in the cold, my neighbors needed to see the new additional on the cul du sac. She has great manners meeting and greeting everyone be they human or canine. Tori wasn't really an early morning pup, but she has learned that she and I go to the dog park every date at 4 am for an hour walk and now is excited about meeting the others that are there for their exercise and social time, too. She has earned being leash free and keeps up with 2 young Fox Terriers (Fly and Pip) who are zipping all over the park. Fly loves to be chased and Tori loves chasing him; and surprisingly, she is ready to go again when I get home from work.
I have found out that Tori doesn't like Milk Bones, she only likes Meaty Bones, will do anyting for Solid Gold Tiny Tots, a small lamb jerky, that is her training treat.
Loves to be petted, and especially loves to be massaged all over. Comes when called, so long as there isn't something more interesting, of course. I have a 2 story house, and will only sleep downstairs, even though I have tried to have her come upstairs, she just turns around and goes back down. While Tori and I were enjoying our honeymoon period, I was luck enough to be able to comb out all her mats and trim up her feet. Her coat has become lush, darker and shiny.
She has been registered with Dane County, has her park permits and tomorrow she meets the vet for her first visit. All in all, I think she's a Gold Star Dog and can't say enough good things about her. It is a joy to come home again to a welcoming pair of eyes and a wagging tail.
Thanks to you and all the shelter volunteers for taking the time and effort to care for these animals until their foever home comes to them. Did Loki fine a forever home, too? He sure was a little cutie!
Keep in touch, it is a joy to talk about Gertrude, AKA Tori; and have a great year!
Roni Bodoh
How nice to hear from you, and Thanks for asking about Gertrude, now Tori. Hard to believe we are working on 3 weeks now.
Tori has settled in wonderfully. Our trip home to Madison was a little longer than usual since she let us know that she needed to go out every couple of hundred miles, but she wasn't afraid of the trucks when they released their air brakes instead she just turned around and stared at it and let out a little snort and walked on.
She's interested in her backyard and has met the neighbors one by one. Yes, even in the cold, my neighbors needed to see the new additional on the cul du sac. She has great manners meeting and greeting everyone be they human or canine. Tori wasn't really an early morning pup, but she has learned that she and I go to the dog park every date at 4 am for an hour walk and now is excited about meeting the others that are there for their exercise and social time, too. She has earned being leash free and keeps up with 2 young Fox Terriers (Fly and Pip) who are zipping all over the park. Fly loves to be chased and Tori loves chasing him; and surprisingly, she is ready to go again when I get home from work.
I have found out that Tori doesn't like Milk Bones, she only likes Meaty Bones, will do anyting for Solid Gold Tiny Tots, a small lamb jerky, that is her training treat.
Loves to be petted, and especially loves to be massaged all over. Comes when called, so long as there isn't something more interesting, of course. I have a 2 story house, and will only sleep downstairs, even though I have tried to have her come upstairs, she just turns around and goes back down. While Tori and I were enjoying our honeymoon period, I was luck enough to be able to comb out all her mats and trim up her feet. Her coat has become lush, darker and shiny.
She has been registered with Dane County, has her park permits and tomorrow she meets the vet for her first visit. All in all, I think she's a Gold Star Dog and can't say enough good things about her. It is a joy to come home again to a welcoming pair of eyes and a wagging tail.
Thanks to you and all the shelter volunteers for taking the time and effort to care for these animals until their foever home comes to them. Did Loki fine a forever home, too? He sure was a little cutie!
Keep in touch, it is a joy to talk about Gertrude, AKA Tori; and have a great year!
Roni Bodoh
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Mitz Mae aka Buttons

Dear BCHS,
I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone at BCHS for giving me a second chance and taking care of me until my new family adopted me. If it wasn't for all of you, my new family would not have found me. I fit in from the day I arrived and there has been a lot to do. We are all having such a wonderful time. I like to nap, play with the other pets and sleep in bed at night. Let me tell you about the new tricks I have learned in the short time I have been here. I fetch when my ball is thrown and almost always bring it back for another toss. I drink from the water faucet and now use the big litter box with my new sister. I know my name and come when I am called. If you think I was fast when I had office play time, you should see me open it up here in my new home.
We had a visit from the grand kids this weekend and I don't know who had more fun. What a time we had. I plan on some additional nap time after that.
I do miss my twin brother Saucy. I hope you can find an adopting family for him soon. Just like me, he would be the perfect pet.
Thanks for being kind and helping find homes for all the animals that have passed through your shelter.
Mitz Mae
Elvis aka Josh!

I'm sending you some new pictures of Elvis (formerly known as "Josh"). He's so cute!
We love him so much. He brings a lot of joy to our house. He's a climber and a cuddler.
It appears his silly little lip injury is more prevelant as he ages and that just one of the cutest things about him - his cute little crooked lip! He has the tiniest sounding meow....it's more like a little chirp. He goes downstairs or into another room and then meows for us....it's so sweet.
In picture #6 (center above) attached, he was playing with his favorite toy (the squirrel) and he just fell asleep as he was reaching over his head for the squirrel. Adorable!
We're so happy to have Elvis.
Happy Holidays!
Janice Maine
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Good Friday Afternoon to all at the Humane Society of Burnett County;
Just to let you know that Gertrude, now Tori, is doing great! She is coming along and adjusting well to her new home. She has mastered the stairs, is awesome going outside to the backyard on her own, meets and greets all the arrivals at the dog park every morning and most importantly........comes to her name. She is definiately a blessing for me and hopefully I for her.
Thanks again for such a wonderful animal!
Enjoy the rest of the day and good luck to all, human and animal alike.
Veronica (Roni) Bodoh
Madison, WI
Good Friday Afternoon to all at the Humane Society of Burnett County;
Just to let you know that Gertrude, now Tori, is doing great! She is coming along and adjusting well to her new home. She has mastered the stairs, is awesome going outside to the backyard on her own, meets and greets all the arrivals at the dog park every morning and most importantly........comes to her name. She is definiately a blessing for me and hopefully I for her.
Thanks again for such a wonderful animal!
Enjoy the rest of the day and good luck to all, human and animal alike.
Veronica (Roni) Bodoh
Madison, WI
Friday, January 14, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
We made it home without incident. Keira travels very well. We stopped three times on the way home and she got to get out and pee and sniff around some. While we had a crate in the car for her, we took herout shortly after we got on the road because she was so interested in the food in the car, it made more sense to take her out and put the food in!
We did have our hands full when her brothers came home. After being at the kennelf roa a night, they came in the house like a herd of Buffalo and scared the crap out of her. We had to put her in the crate because she kept snapping and barking at them. She was not a happy camper. We took them outside after a while, however, and after much sniffing and running around, things settled down. As I am typing this, Keira is on Brenda's lap and the boys are on the bed sleeping.
Just a quick update on Keira -
We call her Annie, and her real name is ANwen, which means "very beautiful" in Welsh. We took her stitches out a few days ago and her incision looks great. She has settled into the routine really well. We do crate her during the day as she is not house-trained, but is getting better. She loves playing with Riley, our Rhodesian mix and while she is curious about the cats, she has never done anything else but sniff them a little. Oscar, our Mastiff, basically ignores her. Sometimes they all three play tuf-of-war and that's a real hoot.
How is her brother doing?
Thanks again for a great dog!
Mark and Brenda Ehle
We made it home without incident. Keira travels very well. We stopped three times on the way home and she got to get out and pee and sniff around some. While we had a crate in the car for her, we took herout shortly after we got on the road because she was so interested in the food in the car, it made more sense to take her out and put the food in!
We did have our hands full when her brothers came home. After being at the kennelf roa a night, they came in the house like a herd of Buffalo and scared the crap out of her. We had to put her in the crate because she kept snapping and barking at them. She was not a happy camper. We took them outside after a while, however, and after much sniffing and running around, things settled down. As I am typing this, Keira is on Brenda's lap and the boys are on the bed sleeping.
Just a quick update on Keira -
We call her Annie, and her real name is ANwen, which means "very beautiful" in Welsh. We took her stitches out a few days ago and her incision looks great. She has settled into the routine really well. We do crate her during the day as she is not house-trained, but is getting better. She loves playing with Riley, our Rhodesian mix and while she is curious about the cats, she has never done anything else but sniff them a little. Oscar, our Mastiff, basically ignores her. Sometimes they all three play tuf-of-war and that's a real hoot.
How is her brother doing?
Thanks again for a great dog!
Mark and Brenda Ehle
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